Source: EdSource
By: John Fensterwald
Date: January 9, 2015
Related Staff: John T. Affeldt

Governor Brown’s proposed budget would raise education spending for K-12 schools and community colleges to $65.7 billion. That is $7.8 billion more than the governor had budgeted from them this year, with “the bulk of new money — $4 billion – going to the Local Control Funding Formula.” As John Fensterwald reports, “The state cut schools disproportionately to other programs and services during the recession, and so they are entitled to a bigger share in the recovery, Brown said at a press conference.”

In the sidebar, EdSource features a statement from Public Advocates Managing Attorney John Affeldt:

“We are all appreciative of the additional funding for schools that Governor Brown’s budget proposes for 2015-16, an 8 percent increase. However, this increase — which is mandated by the minimum school funding formula — is neither cause for celebration nor for moving on to other priorities. Our public schools will remain among the worst funded in the nation even if this budget is adopted, and our children will continue to suffer for it.”

Read the full analysis here

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